Jan 26, 2024
53 Chatbot Statistics For 2024: Usage, Demographics, Trends
You’re about to see a list of up-to-date chatbot statistics. If you're interested in learning about the chatbot industry, then keep reading.

Key Chatbot Statistics
Here are some crucial chatbot statistics every marketer needs to know:
23% of customer service companies are currently using AI chatbots.
80% of people have interacted with a chatbot at some point.
There are more than 300,000 chatbots in operation on Facebook Messenger alone.
Online retail stores have the highest rates of chatbot acceptance.
The global chatbot marketing revenue reached $83.4 million this year.
Chatbots handle full conversations around 69% of the time.
68% of users enjoy the speed at which chatbots answer.
Chatbots have response rates of up to 40%.
Chatbots help 55% of businesses generate high-quality leads
By 2023, chatbots were generating over $100 billion in ecommerce transactions.
57 Chatbot Usage Statistics You Should Know
1. On average, 34% of retail store customers are fine with chatbots interacting with them as they shop.
This includes people shopping both online and offline in brick-and-mortar stores.
2. A majority of businesses consider chatbots to be an excellent way to help them add customization for clientele.
The overall sentiment ranges from mildly curious to extremely optimistic, a sign that more businesses, including those that are small, will implement them into their work.
3. Nearly 60% of customers surveyed like to send and receive messages using a chat service rather than deal with an agent for help with an issue.

This could be due to bad experiences such as shaving to wait too long on hold, answers to questions taken as evasive, and difficulty with understanding regional accents.
4. When chatbots are used, communication done by live agents can be lowered on average to 70%, with chatbots handling 30% of customer interactions.
5. Customer responses are where users really favor chatbots, with nearly 70% approving of their use with instant messages. This amount could grow by a rate of 10% over the next several years.
6. The savings potential for using chatbots is very high. Businesses replying to their customers online are many.
From this, they can work in annual savings that are as low as 30%. It's through automation, where fewer live chats are needed to take care of problems that are presented by consumers.
7. Chatbots are easy to set up and manage, most of them are programmed for businesses before being implemented.
They require little maintenance and are built into applications run by servers that are owned by businesses.
8. There are areas where consumers have requested that chatbots be used more.
One of them is in the distribution company promotions and coupons. It's already a feature on some delivery applications featured on smartphones. 38% of chatbot users would be happy to see it more often.
9. Restaurants, hotels, and guesthouses are places where consumers are gaining an interest in their web tools relying on chatbots, 33%, to be exact.
10. Some of the fields earning the most profit from chatbot service are the real estate business, travel agencies, education, the healthcare industry, and financial institutions. Their rankings could fluctuate as interest in chatbots rises.
11. Most white-collar employees utilized chatbots by 2022.
12. Questions raised by consumers are increasingly being handled with chatbots.
The majority of them will provide answers to 90% of all inquiries, eliminating the need for excessive reliance on telephone agents.
13. Up to $8 billion in savings are expected in savings through chatbot applications.
This figure was from 2022. Add more years, and savings could jump to tens of billions of dollars.
14. Over half of the people on the web love chatbot, primarily for it being an option to get in touch with businesses regardless of time. Chatbots are usually available to take questions day and night, even when businesses are closed.
15. Almost 90% of chatbot users view chatbots as acceptable to extremely helpful.
This indicates that people will generally see them as a positive addition to businesses. The percentage won't radically decrease when more people regularly use them to complete purchases and make small transactions.
16. According to 1/3 of consumers, chatbots should be a staple for customer interaction with businesses.
17. The overwhelming consensus regarding chatbots usage is moderate to very high. Only a very small number of survey participants think chatbots should never be used.
18. Close to half of the population think chatbots should resolve issues rather than exhibiting their own personality or AI.
In other words, prompt and accurate answers are wanted more than the technology's ability to learn on its own.
19. 40% of people don't care whether or not they speak with an agent or a chatbot.
20. 60% of the millennial population rely on chatbots to handle inquiries that start online.
Many are accustomed to chatbots helping them when making small-dollar transactions.
21. The consumer population that trusts chatbots more than humans are 40%.
That's 60% for humans or chatbots. If the rate of dependency on chatbots increases by only 10%, it would be one in two people.
22. 40% of consumers would rather use a chatbot than talk with a human in a live chat.
60% are okay with waiting. Trends in more efficient automation and AI show that these percentages could drastically change for a short period of time.
23. Consumers in the 35 to 44 age range think businesses are rapidly moving to switch human employees hired for customer service with AI, chatbots included.
24. Close to 50% of people think chatbots are a way for companies to keep their employees from interacting with customers.
They believe chatbots take away the burden of them having a direct conversation with people in need of assistance.
25. In the next three years, the chatbot industry will grow and reach a value of nearly $1 billion.
Growth could be twice this amount by the end of the decade.
26. Automation is fueling lots of growth with financial institutions, with AI being one of the primary reasons.
Within AI, chatbots controlled 90% of the automation for banks and online banking services in 2022.
27. Many businesses think that chatbots will be used for a very long time, with 96% feeling that they will stick around with companies for an indefinite period.
28. The yearly compound growth rate of chatbots throughout world markets is 24%. In five years, it'll be to the tune of $1.3 billion or higher. This factors in businesses in most countries.
29. People networking with companies for various issues is costly. Yet chatbots are predicted to lower company prices associated with customer service by a minimum of 70 cents.
30. Marketing over the internet, also known as direct marketing, is primarily done through email exchanges.
Some of these exchanges involve people sending out mass messages or configuring their email server to reply with different messages according to what's sent to them, or when they're unavailable.
Chatbots will take over much of this soon and are already in use by many companies that are linked to email servers.
31. Money gained from chatbot usage reached $112 billion in 2023.

This is the total sum of its predicted increases in worth based on the amount currently specified.
32. Around 18% of all people living are using chatbots, oftentimes without them even knowing it. That's well over a billion people, a number that's about the same as China's population.
33. One out of every six customers and business exchanges are made primarily with programs using artificial intelligence.
Since most of these interactions revolve around customers getting in touch with businesses, chatbots make up a big chunk of the AI that's used.
34. Many companies feel that chatbots are a catalyst for change within the trade as a whole. 56% share this sentiment while 43% disclose that rival companies are handling customer service duties with them.
35. Millennials aren't the only ground that likes the use of chatbots. Many baby boomers have accepted the technology. However, 40% of millennials proclaim to use them every day.
36. Companies are increasingly using messenger applications with their own chatbots. Earnings have risen to 25% at a maximum and a 7% minimum.
37. Businesses are constantly looking for potential customers that aren't family with what they're selling. Chatbots are great for such organizations. In fact, new long-term customers are found by 55% of companies exhibiting chatbots.
38. About 22% of people surveyed claim to rely on chatbot suggestions provided to them when shopping for goods.
39. About 25% of adult consumers in the U.S. are willing to buy items with a chatbot. Over 10% of American adults have acquired high-dollar merchandise with chatbot services.
40. Between 80% to 90% of the answers provided to consumers when interacting with chatbots are approved of.
41. Almost 70% of corporations have said that chatbots have contributed to their sales being boosted.
42. Larger investment returns have been specified by 57% of companies with small investment rates.
43. Approximately 41% of chatbot users entrust them for any making transactions. This figure was stated in 2020
44. Many companies, around 39% of them, institute chatbots to create a more intuitive environment on their websites.
45. Consumers have a greater chance of buying something from a store that has some form of an online messaging system.
46. Many interactions done with chatbots are businesses making exchanges with the business that's utilizing the AI. Precisely 58% of organizations do this, many via web applications.
47. Since last year, support through chatbots were conducted by 67% of people globally.
48. Chatbots are intriguing to many consumers, growing 50% in curiosity in the last half-decade.

49. Business to business services network with chatbots 58% of the time. 42% of their consumer networking is through chatbots.
50. Slightly over a quarter of consumers have no way of differentiating between a chatbot and a live agent.
51. All businesses must spend money to make money. Which is good news for services using chatbots since they can pull in a 30-percent reduction in operating expenses.
52. During emergencies, 37% of users have prompt expectations for chatbots, where reliable and quick answers are provided.
53. According to 35% of consumers, answers should be thorough and meticulous.
54. Some chatbot users, 34% of them, employ chatbots for the simple task of speaking with a live agent.
55. The utmost objective for chatbot usage is for fast responses to be given in difficult situations, such as emergencies. The second involves resolutions to complaints.
56. According to 95% of users, customer service is the area predicted to see the most improvement with chatbots.
57. 80% of questions sent through chatbot servers are answered, whether they're accurate or not.
Frequently Asked Questions
How big is the chatbot market?
In 2020, the chatbot industry was worth over $17 billion. In five years, the growth is expected to increase to over $102 billion.

Increases are being fueled by favorable customer interaction with automated tools utilizing AI, banking and financing companies looking for ways to streamline their web tools, and a rising trend of companies automating processes that were once done by humans.
How many chatbots are there?
Chatbots are like ants on the earth's surface, it's difficult to put an exact number to the total amount.
However, given that some social media companies use them by the hundreds of thousands, it's likely that chatbots number somewhere in the hundreds of billions.
Of course, this figure should grow rapidly considering that chatbot usage will exponentially increase its value in the next five years.
However, it's important to note that most companies with the technology won't need as many as a typical social media organization.
Instead, a majority of businesses will see only a very small number, such as one to ten chatbots, to facilitate their customer's needs.
How many companies are using chatbots?
As of right now, around 80 percent of companies worldwide are using chatbots.
This is for varied purposes, but mostly to handle exchanges made with consumers without them having to speak with live agents. For many, businesses will rely on a small number.
How many people have used chatbots?
Chatbots aren't exclusive to only one part of the world. Since the internet has spread to every continent and almost every country, chatbots are relied upon as a service to anyone that's handling shopping, business, and sales through an online portal.
Currently, 1.4 billion people have used chatbots since 2020, another figure that'll rapidly increase when the costs associated with running them are lowered.
The demands for chatbots won't reduce, all indicators showing a lasting dependence on them by most corporations in the future.
How much do chatbots sell for?
Most chatbots are acquired through independent services hired out by corporations. There are alternative methods for getting one, most having similar price ranges.
They're divided through in-house and agency chatbots. For in-house, prices start at $50 and climb to over 500.
Agencies are the same. Businesses should expect to pay upwards of these prices, depending on the service offered and location.
Is the chatbot market saturated?
Chatbots haven't seen the limit to their growth yet. While the market is increasing in volume, the demand for chatbots will rise with it.
Saturation is seen in some countries, though many haven't fully moved over to handle a majority of inquiries with chatbots. Until this happens, saturation is forestalled.
Which industries use chatbots the most?
Many real estate businesses started with chatbots first, some of them over a decade ago. And while the services of chatbots at the time were rudimentary, most of the growth in the market remains in the real estate market.
Travel comes in second place. Many airline companies, hotel chains, and travel agencies use chatbots to help consumers make bookings and arrange numerous services related to travel of all kinds.
Are chatbots the future?
As chatbots are a form of AI and automation, they're going to be used heavily since the public demand for them steadily increases. Millennials are shown a willingness to use chatbots for well over half of the things they buy.
Soon, e-commerce stores will allow consumers to conduct shopping through social media and web applications, which is already done to some degree by Facebook and Line messengers.
Chatbots are relatively new to many of the world.
Although over a billion people have used them, and likely many more without realizing it, there remains a large number of consumers that haven't gotten around to the technology yet.
In 10 years, these figures will look different and new businesses will thrive from the popularity of chatbots alone.