Nov 20, 2023

Pounce on Companies With Open Deals Revisiting Your Website

Use ServiceBell to engage companies with open deals revisiting your website — overcoming their objections and nudging them across the finish line.

If a company with an open deal is revisiting your website, it’s for 1 of 2 reasons:

  • They have an unanswered objection (that could kill your deal)

  • They’re getting ready to pull the trigger

If you don’t engage them ASAP — you’re rolling the dice.

If they have an unanswered objection, you need to overcome this before they jump to conclusions.

If they’re getting ready to pull the trigger, you need to help nudge them across the finish line.

This play shows you step-by-step how to handle both situations. So you can close more and lose less.


  • Setup Slack Alerts for Companies With Open Deals

  • Maximize Call Pickup Rate

  • Uncover & Overcome Hidden Objections

  • Nudge Them Across The Finish Line

Setup Slack Alerts for Companies With Open Deals Revisiting Your Website

Maximize Call Pickup Rate

  • Call open deal visitor alerts immediately (speed-to-lead is critical)

  • Turn on your video, smile, and wave to them (they can see you before picking up)

  • Use clever canned responses to grab the visitor’s attention

  • Emphasize that you're a real person

Uncover & Overcome Hidden Objections

After getting them to pick up the call, use the below script to engage them and uncover the objection that prompted them to revisit your site:

  1. Initial Greeting
    SALES REP:Hey [PROSPECT] — I saw you visiting our site. Looking for anything specific?”
    PROSPECT: “Hey [REP], yea I just had a few questions about your Slack integration.”

  2. Get Them to Expand
    SALES REP: “No problem. I know we briefly touched on it last time we spoke. What exactly were you hoping to learn?”
    PROSPECT: “Well, my team loves the product. But they’re worried about having to race each other in order to engage website prospects.”

  3. Mirror Back Their Response
    SALES REP: “Worried about racing each other?“
    PROSPECT: “Yea, they don’t want 1-2 reps beating all of the other reps to alerts, because of the way we structure commissions. I wanted to know if there was a way to equally distribute Slack alerts across our team?”

  4. Overcome Their Objection
    SALES REP: “Ah I see. Your reps want a fair chance at engaging alerts so they don’t lose out on bonuses. I think what you’re looking for is our ‘Round Robin’ feature. Which optimizes for a more ‘fair’ distribution of alerts. Want me to quickly show you it?“
    PROSPECT: “Yea, I’d love to take a look!”

Give a Demo On The Fly

Just click “Share” and then pick the window/tab you’d like to show.

Nudge Them Across The Finish Line

Once you’ve handled their objections, use the below script to nudge them towards the finish line — by pushing them away to pull them in.

  1. Confirm You’ve Overcome Their Objection
    SALES REP: “Now that you've seen how our Round Robin feature works, do you think it'll be a hit with your team?”
    PROSPECT: “Yeah, I think they'll love it. That was really the only concern they had. Everything else about your product really excites them.”

  2. Double-Check to Lower Their Guard
    SALES REP: “That's great to hear. Just to make sure, was there anything else they were unsure about? We want to ensure we cover all bases.”
    PROSPECT: “No, that’s it. We've discussed this extensively over the past few weeks. Everything else looks good.”

  3. Push Them Away to Pull Them In
    SALES REP: “I don’t want to rush you. How about you take a week or so and talk it over with your team one last time?”
    PROSPECT: “Actually, I feel pretty confident about it. Let’s get the ball rolling and put this in our reps' hands.”

Move The Deal Forward

Just click the calendar icon in your chat and select the meeting type. This will let them pick whatever day works best for them.

The Bottom Line

When a company with an open deal revisits your website, it’s a golden opportunity.

Don’t let them jump to conclusions by themselves. Engage them ASAP and help nudge them across the finish line (before it’s too late).

You’ll be amazed at how fast it can speed up your sales cycles.

Your first AI Sales Rep is waiting

Your website should engage every visitor. can help.

Your first AI Sales Rep is waiting

Your website should engage every visitor. can help.

Your first AI Sales Rep is waiting

Your website should engage every visitor. can help.

Your first AI Sales Rep is waiting

Your website should engage every visitor. can help.