Dec 6, 2023
So Now You’re a ServiceBell Rep (How to Get Started With ServiceBell)
Get setup with ServiceBell and familiarize yourself with selling best practices.

Ayyyy! So you’re the new ServiceBell rep for your team?
If you’re new to ServiceBell — you’re about to be a very spoiled salesperson.
ServiceBell is going to essentially spoon-feed you qualified prospects, around the clock. All you have to do is engage and convert them. In short, you’re about to make some good money.

Hold up! Before you start researching sports cars to buy — you’ll need to get setup with ServiceBell and familiarize yourself with best practices. Luckily, this guide gives you EVERYTHING you need to know. Let’s roll:
1. Enable Push Notifications
You can enable push notifications in Settings → Notifications.

View Article: “Enabling Notifications in ServiceBell”
2. Setup Your Profile (Pic, Audio, Camera, etc)
You can’t engage visitors if they can’t even hear/see you. Here’s how to set that all up.
1. Upload Your Profile Picture & Set Your Title
You can find this in Settings → Account:

Try to use a picture of yourself smiling with a clean background. You’ll appear more friendly and put-together.
2. Enable Your Camera
You can find this in Settings → Audio & Video:

You can also activate a virtual background here if you don’t want people seeing your messy office that you really should’ve cleaned up by now (it’s okay — I’m only judging you a little bit).
3. Enable & Test Your Microphone
You can find this in Settings → Audio & Video:

Select your primary microphone and make sure it’s working by talking into it and watching the input levels.
Having Problems? Make Sure ServiceBell Has Permissions
If you can’t enable your camera or microphone - click the “Lock” icon next to ServiceBell’s URL at the top of your browser and make sure your camera, microphone, etc are enabled.

If you’re still having issues — don’t bug your IT team just yet. Try restarting your device first.
3. Connect Your Calendar and Zoom
When you schedule calls with prospects — you’ll want to avoid scheduling conflicts by reflecting your availability within ServiceBell. You can link your calendar account (Google or Outlook) to ServiceBell in Settings → User Integrations:

Just toggle the integrations you’d like and they’ll take you to the sign-in page.
You can also link your Zoom account here.
4. Set Your Hours & Availability
You can set your personal hours and availability in Settings → My Settings → Hours & Availability. Just make sure they align with your team’s overall staffing strategy.

In Hours & Availability → Calendar Connections you can connect multiple calendars here to check for scheduling conflicts. You can also connect a specific calendar you’d like meetings to be added to.
5. Make Sure You’re Added to Relevant User Groups

ServiceBell lets you organize users into specific user groups, for example:
Sales Reps
Customer Support
Talk to your ServiceBell admin and make sure they’ve added you to ALL relevant user groups. So you can get alerts associated with those groups.
6. Setup & Test Slack Alerts
Talk to your admin and make sure you’re able to access the Slack server that ServiceBell has been integrated with. You’ll be able to receive two types of Slack alerts:
1. DMs from ServiceBell bot→ These are for Slack alerts that have been routed DIRECTLY to you or your user group.

2. Text channel alerts→ These are alerts that have been routed to specific Slack channels.

Also — you can setup private Slack Alerts for when visitors associated with YOUR open deals view your website in Settings → Notifications:

Once you’ve joined the Slack and configured your personal alerts, ask your admin to send you a test Slack alert to make sure they’re working. You can send them this article to help them.
7. Get Familiar With The Common Tabs
Here’s the common tabs you’ll be spending most of your time viewing:
The Engage Tab

You can also create your own personal live feed here:

The Visitor Screen

Here’s the fun part of ServiceBell — this tab is where you can:
Watch what the visitor is doing
Start a call with the visitor
Send chat messages→ You can also create pre-saved chat messages to send. Once created - you can use them simply by typing “/” in the chat message box. You might have to talk to your admin about this.
Reveal anonymous visitor information
See conversation history
See visitor past activity
Share your screen
Take control of the visitors screen
Draw on the visitors screen
…and more
You can find this tab by clicking visitors in your live feed or by clicking “View Session” on Slack alerts.
8. Install ServiceBell’s Mobile App (Apple/Android)
→ Download for Google Play App Store
→ Download for Apple App Store
Finally — Skim Through These Plays
“Save Stalled Deals With Live Video Calls (While They’re on Your Website)”
“Video Call Hot Prospects on High-Intent Pages (Like Pricing, Demo Request, Contact, etc)”
“Turn Pricing Page Visitors Into Qualified Opportunities Before They Leave”
“Video Call LinkedIn Prospects Visiting Your Website (before they leave)”
“Video Call & Qualify Prospects Directly Through Your Website (Using ServiceBell)”
“Pounce on Companies With Open Deals Revisiting Your Website”
“Pounce on Target Accounts Viewing Your Website (Before They Leave)”
“Turn Proposal Viewers Into Closed Customers (via Live Video Calls)"