Nov 22, 2023
Use Canned Responses to Grab Visitors’ Attention & Answer FAQs Quickly
Use ServiceBell canned responses to quickly send pre-saved messages to website visitors.

What is a Canned Response?
It’s a pre-saved chat message you can quickly send visitors, to:
Grab their attention
Answer common questions
…or pretty much anything you want

How to Create & Send Canned Responses
Canned Response Examples
Welcome Messages
→ “Hey there! Let me know if you have any questions (this is a real person btw)”
→ “Welcome! I’m [NAME]. I’ll be online for a few hours. Ping me with any questions you have.”Attention Grabbers
→ “Hey — could I ask you a question? (human btw)”
→ “Not ChatGPT - real human here haha. Mind if I ask you something?”Common FAQs
→ “Yup! Live video calling is included in ServiceBell’s free tier.
→ “ServiceBell might be able to help your e-commerce site. Could you link me it?”
→ <First Name> *real person, here live, lol - happy to show you how <Company/Product> works; any questions on the platform? :-)
→ <First Name> *real person, here live, lol - Click the “Call” Button to video call me live & see how <Company/Product> works! :-)
Summary? I Guess?
Do people even read summaries? Does this really need one? 😭