Customer story

How Sila Added $1 Million to Their Pipeline in 4 Months with

“Engaging prospects live on our website with is a game changer - our conversion rates are higher, we’re qualifying deals 10x faster, and ultimately generating far more Sales Qualified Leads than before. ServiceBell has become a primary tool for our sales team to engage with prospects and push them through our pipeline faster to close!”

Nicholas Cavet

VP of Growth



Sila is a fintech software platform providing payment infrastructure as a service, enabling fast, secure, and fully compliant integration with the US banking system and blockchain.


  • Growth team needed to generate more Sales Qualified Leads

  • Missing out on millions in pipeline because of low traffic-to-lead conversion rates

  • Slow lead response times caused missed opportunities with ideal customers

  • Needed an innovative way to engage customers and maximize deal flow


  • Reps “cold call” website visitors and qualify prospects live on the site

  • Reps have live sales conversations immediately after prospects ask for help

  • Prospects are blown away by lightning fast response times and great customer service

  • Reps can walk visitors through their website, conveying value both verbally and visually


  • Sila added over $1 Million in pipeline value within four months of implementing

  • Sila converts 3-4X more visitors to leads by cold calling prospects on the site

  • One rep increased his monthly Sales Qualified Leads by 50% by cold calling site visitors

  • Sales cycle accelerated thanks to faster qualification and zero "no-shows"

How Sila Added $1 Million to Their Pipeline in 4 Months with

Companies invest billions (~$155 billion last year) in digital marketing, with the hopes of turning their website traffic into leads and customers. Driving leads to your website is expensive, and when they can’t get the help they need quickly, they choose your competition.

Sales teams are 100x more likely to speak with a lead and 21x more likely to successfully qualify a lead if they're contacted within 5 minutes of their inquiry, rather than 30 minutes after, and success rates continues dropping from there (Sopro).

Clearly, lead response times have a significant impact on sales - in fact, closed sales are boosted by 391% when response times are less than one minute (Sopro).

Sila's ACH API requires a face to face connection in their sales process, but recognized the value of quick engagement and didn't want to push off customer interest to a meeting scheduled for days out.

Sila wanted to engage prospective customers on their website face to face, while still ensuring that the engagement was low-friction to maximize conversion rates.

Sila partnered with to embed proactive and reactive live video chat on their website to drive conversion rate improvements and to create a memorable customer experience starting at the top of their funnel.

Responding to leads instantly - not with an automated email, but with a live human ready and willing to help - has made a world of difference. I knew response times were important, but not to this extent. We're rocking and not looking back.

Nicholas Cavet

VP of Growth

The solution

How Sila Added $1 Million to Their Pipeline in 4 Months with

The dashboard shows Sila's sales reps every visitor on their website, along with firmographic data such as company name, size, location, etc.

Reps can proactively call website visitors that fit their ideal customer profiles, and utilize triggers to engage the prospect when they are already showing high intent to purchase by visiting the pricing, sign up or contact page.

Sila's sales development reps achieve a 10% acceptance rate when proactively calling live prospects on their website.

The sales team's inbound lead response times have also drastically improved with

Once a lead submits a contact request - or even visits their contact page - the sales reps receive a Slack notification like this:

Slack notification triggers when prospects visit key website pages, such as your demo request page.

Reps click "Start call" and immediately have the opportunity to qualify warm prospects on their website.

Notifications and calls work on desktop and mobile, so reps can call prospects even on the go.

Sila uses to increase their lead conversion rates, quickly qualify prospects, cut their lead response times, ultimately generating $1 Million more in pipeline value.

The result

Sila added over $1 Million in pipeline value within four months of implementing

Sila has added over $1 million in pipeline value as a direct result of their live conversations with website visitors using

In fact, one of Sila’s sales reps increased his monthly Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) by 45% by cold calling website visitors.

Rather than dealing with no-shows and reschedules, sales calls conducted with have a 100% show rate, as they’re happening in real-time.

In conclusion, has helped Sila accelerate sales by increasing their lead conversion rates, qualifying deals faster, and cutting lead response times.

If you want to accelerate your sales as well, schedule a demo and see the magic for yourself!

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AI-powered growth for real humans

Your first AI Sales Rep is waiting

Your website should engage every visitor. can help.

Your first AI Sales Rep is waiting

Your website should engage every visitor. can help.

Your first AI Sales Rep is waiting

Your website should engage every visitor. can help.

Your first AI Sales Rep is waiting

Your website should engage every visitor. can help.